Good Day Good Friends,
Our foundation cares about your well-being. We will continue to share information that supports our wellness when we get it and at every chance we get in between to impart it. To that end, one thing we know today is that AIDS/HIV, like other conditions, has devastated our communities over the years. Beyond the statistics, however, we also know that we are powerful and resilient enough to win this battle and reclaim our collective health So on this National Black AIDS Awareness Day, The Reed For Hope Foundation wants you to know that we don’t see diseases that affect us as being of an particular color, culture, age or gender. What we see them as, is defeat-able. We just need more of us to join the fight. Together, we know we have the power to change how these conditions affect us in the future if YOU help us inspire more hope.
In this regard, we are encouraging the beautiful descendants of Africans in America and those that care about this culture to recognize this day of AIDS AWARENESS by going to get your blood tested. As important, we would like you to bring a friend or family member with you to get tested for HIV/AIDS. Both the fight for justice and equality and the manifestation of the dreams of our ancestors demands us to be HEALTHY as a community. To that end, knowing and being in control of your health requires YOU to get tested and screened so that you can be rested and healed.
Share this call to action:
Please take a friend to get tested for AIDS/HIV today or have them take our Love Healthy pledge saying that you will soon.
Happy Black History Month and please know that WE are going to be ALRIGHT.
For a list of Free Testing Centers Click Here
The Reed For Hope Foundation